Current Plans

Hi everybody! This is just a quick post on my current plans.

I’m currently taking several courses. One course is on WordPress development, with the hope of improving this website and building more. I’m also doing a course on Search Engine Optimisation to benefit, again, both this site and others I build. The final course I’m doing is one on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Although I’ve had experience with these languages, that was several years ago and I feel a refresher is needed.

You may be forgiven for thinking with this I’m aiming for a front end developer job sooner or later. Indeed that is amongst my thoughts. But I’m also thinking of going down the route of my own e-commerce business selling collectables from various fandoms (I am a huge geek). Indeed I’m not sure which path I will go down yet, but I feel it will be one of those two.

Health wise things are up and down right now. My physical health is improving with medication, but my mental health is still variable. Indeed I’ve come to the conclusion that my mental health will be variable for a long time, perhaps forever. It seems its all about controlling those variations rather than getting rid of them.

I hope you’re all well and hope to write another post soon!